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- 13.0x21. 0cm.
- Number of pages: 192 pp.
- Language: Spanish
- Binding: Top soft
- ISBN: 9788483025024
- Year Edition: 2003
- Place of issue: VIGO
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There really, as cren as popular minds, great Besta, or malignant, unha abominable reality that stays durmida debaixo de nós, nas furnas e us hell do our underworld, but that of cando instead esperta e sae a surface for estarrecernos and extend or horror among people? Ou, as saying Jung and to official Psychiatry, being only dun archetype mais, dunha symbolic image that survives us myths from all cultures e reflicte a two inner monsters that aniñan not our brain more arcane, not our reptilian brain? Velaqui or crucial inquérito arredor do that is artella black air (Xerais, 2000), a complex issue which, as a core diexetico unha verdadeira would mean catastrophe, a romantic naufraxio for any writer to non book a domain Fernández Paz da narrative architecture or that has e non as a present dos deuses, senon as do traballo froito e da ambition do author put in everything when edit e nomeadamente nestes projects longos us that engages each certo tempo. Air black e a romance reader year fara dubidar lle is is dunha ou dunha horror love story. Belongs clearly or genre of medo e displays sen ningunha feedback 'or sense do morbidly unnatural', which thus e as you would define or genre Lovecraft. Unha peza of terror in format longo, case quizais unco na literature galega na as ficcions of terror have practically always conto form, as by another band aconsellaria or mesmo Alan Poe. Fabulation mede longa excellent Unha xira mystery, as diciamos, verb da great Besta, interpreted ben as galego, ben myth as Jungian archetype. Or e who, fronte à reacionalidade da Science (or teacher Institute, or psychiatrist), ao final just significant black air by imporse to vella crenza galega do evil incarnate na Gran Besta, not Demo Maior inhabiting asleep us infernos and that expert of cando in cando, sendo sempre or factor desencadeante unha muller of hair vermello fermosa. Neste sense we could assess black air as one novel mede ethnic Moi that fai esquecer theories as two psychiatrists. OS galegos estarrecemonos by cousa Royal mede dun, dun «moist meat and bear», poderiamos dicir, which moi pouco ten to see coas imaxes simboli cas.
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